Simplify behaviour management
Available for every school
Done in two clicks
- Add achievements and behaviour right from your seating plan
Instant behaviour snapshots
- Right-click any student to open their profile, including analysis of achievements and behaviour
Powerful analysis for leaders
Spot behaviour patterns before they become engrained
Segmented analysis
- Segment your student population by year group, SEND status, ethnicity and more, to target intervention.
Dig deeper
- Identify problem behaviour by individual students
Integrate with your MIS...
- Sync achievements and behaviour with your MIS. Write behaviour back to your MIS directly from seating plans.
...or don't
- Operate as a standalone behaviour management system, independent of your MIS/SIS.
Platinum subscriptions only. Compatible MIS required.

Safe learning environments
Support your colleagues to drive up standards
At a glance
- Achievement and behaviour points are displayed on seating plans, helping teachers to arrange their students.
Two clicks
- Add achievement and behaviour events directly from seating plans with a couple of clicks.
Smart sorting
- Automatically group or separate students based on achievements and behaviour.
Behaviour recommendations
- Machine learning analyses behaviour across your school and advises teachers on students to keep apart.
Mega Seating Plan's behaviour module is available with all whole-school subscriptions (Platinum and Gold).
To activate it for your school, head to your admin page and click on the 'Behaviour management' tab, or chat with Rob to find out more.